Big Brother 25 live feeds: When do they start tonight?
For those who are not aware, there are more options to watch the feeds this year than ever before. Not only is there the opportunity to watch ad-free on Paramount+, but an added-supported option is also now available via Pluto TV. This is going to create engagement in the house like never before, and we are psyched to see the next generation of live-feeders really get into everything.
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Now, when should the feeds actually kick off tonight? Well, it could be rather late for those of you on the East Coast. Are expectation, at least for the time being, is that CBS will probably wait until the West Coast premiere wraps at around 9:30 p.m. Pacific time to kick things off. There’s always a chance it starts before that, but remember that this would at least give the houseguests a few hours without feeds in the house to settle in. Honestly, we tend to think that this is pretty important to get their bearings, but we do like how we won’t be waiting too long.
If you are new to the feeds this season, you should also know that they will only be unavailable for certain events throughout the season, including competitions, ceremonies, and at times preparation for the live eviction show. There are shorter outages in the event someone starts singing (breaking copyright rules) or there is some sort of massive controversy in the game. The goal is that some of that stuff is kept to a minimum.
Related – Get some more surprising insight into the Big Brother 25 cast!
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(Photo: CBS.)