Big Brother 25: Was Blue an alternate for this season?

Big Brother 25

Can you believe that the Big Brother 25 premiere is right around the corner? In a little over 24 hours, you will see a new group of people enter the game. This means they’ll dive into the ins and outs of this social experiment and try to figure out how to navigate their way through.

So do you want to hear a tiny bit more from some of these players, mixed in with footage from the “multiverse”-themed house? Let’s just say that for now, the show has you covered … and we also do with some speculation about one contestant in Blue Kim.

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If you head over to the link here right now, you can see several houseguests in what looks to be the diary room. (This doesn’t mean that they have seen the whole place yet; rather, they were probably just brought into Diary separately by production.) Nobody says anything that is super-illuminating, but we do think it is important in advance to get to know how everyone sounds and acts leading into the game. Take, for starters, that Hisam is shouting for whatever reason in there constantly … or that Reilly wants to come across as super-goofy and quirky.

Anyhow, we do like the group that is competing for the grand prize here, but here’s where things get interesting with Blue. None of her interviews seem to have been done from the Diary Room. Rather, they are in some vague, undisclosed location. Now this may just mean that there was some sort of logistical issue, but the more likely answer is that she was at one point an alternate that was subbed in.

Remember that alternates do have a history of going far and also being popular. This was the case with Joseph last year and two seasons ago, it was very-much true for Claire. We have a lot of faith that Blue will deliver here!

Note that CBS has not confirmed anything when it comes to who is an alternate, but they rarely ever do.

Related Check out more news regarding Big Brother 25 now, including the house tour

What do you most want to see moving into Big Brother 25?

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(Photo: CBS.)

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