Joe Pickett season 2 episode 9: Is Marissa still alive?

Joe Pickett season 2

Today on Paramount+, Joe Pickett season 2 episode 9 did everything it could to set the stage for the big finale — and possibly the end of the series. So what did we learn?

Well, for starters, let’s just say that there was a startling revelation close to the end, one that could have some pretty huge implications for the future of the show. After all, we have learned that Marissa is still out there! Technically, Joe already knew it … he just didn’t connect all of the dots in his mind. This does at least give him a bath to stopping Barnum and getting justice for all of the victims of sexual assault — it just isn’t going to be easy.

(Remember, earlier in the episode we saw Barnum shoot the cell phone with the recording on it — the only other evidence that they had.)

Now, the story is going to become a race against time for Joe and Shannon to locate Marissa before the authorities do, ones who are corrupt and misguided by their idea of so-called “justice.” Joe only has so much time to pull this off, and we know that it is not going to be altogether easy for him to do.

What made this entire story so effective was the emotional complexity between all of the different characters. Joe recognizes, for example, that Shannon is a murderer — however, he also recognizes why she did it and why the two need to work together right now. Marybeth also recognizes that there is a cause worth fighting for so much bigger than herself. It’s why she was willing, on multiple occasions in this episode, to put her life on the line. She absolutely took some risks, but these may be necessary for the good of the surrounding world.

Related Unfortunately, the next Joe Pickett episode may be the series finale

What did you think about the events of Joe Pickett season 2 episode 9?

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(Photo: Paramount+.)

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