Hijack season 1 episode 6 spoilers: The last before finale

Hijack season 1

As we prepare for Hijack season 1 episode 6 over on Apple TV+, there are a lot of things that we can say. So where do we start?

Well, we should do ahead and note here that this upcoming episode, titled “Comply Slowly,” is the last one before we get around to the finale. Whatever happens here is almost sure to connect quickly to the endgame for Idris Elba and the rest of the cast.

Of course, the powers-that-be are not giving a lot away, but you can check out the full Hijack season 1 episode 6 synopsis with more insight on what lies ahead:

Faced with an impossible decision, the passengers ready themselves for a fight.

If that doesn’t tell you that things are going to get incredibly intense, what will? Given the title of the show, it was probably a mistake for any of us to think that we were going to be seeing any of these characters get off the air too early on. We certainly wouldn’t be shocked if everyone is up there until the finale.

So why are there so few episodes this season in general? Well, the simplest answer that we can give for that at the moment is rather simple — the idea here is for the show to move at a really rapid place. The idea here is that there should never be a moment where things are not pushing forward. Also, one of the advances to being on a steaming service like this is that there is less pressure to adhere to any specific length. The story can really be whatever it needs to from start to finish.

Just remember that when the dust settles here, there is still a chance of a season 2 — you would just need to find new ways to situate the characters and stories that are worth telling.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Hijack season 1 episode 6 on Apple TV+?

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(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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