The Last of Us season 1: An amazing Steven Spielberg connection

The Last of Us season 1

We knew that The Last of Us season 1 had a number of huge admirers all over the globe, and one just so happens to be a very famous director.

To be specific, let’s talk for a moment about “Long, Long Time,” the legendary episode 3 that featured the love story of Bill and Frank. It has to be one of the most emotional stories that we’ve ever seen on TV, and we also tend to think that Murray Bartlett and Nick Offerman have Emmy nominations in the bank for it. The big question we wonder personally is which one of them is the actual favorite. (They are also up against James Cromwell from Succession, so this is a really hard category.)

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Let’s get back to that famous director here for a moment. Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Peter Hoar (who directed episode 3) indicated that none other than Steven Spielberg reached out following what played out on-screen:

“Well, I didn’t get it directly, but [an actual Spielberg letter] came to Craig Mazin, the writer of my episode on ‘The Last of Us’ — the writer of all the episodes … He shared it with myself, Nick Offerman, Murray Bartlett and [cinematographer] Eben Bolter. Basically, a whole group of middle-aged men started squealing because their idol had realized who they were.”

We can’t even imagine how cool this was, and it also serves as another great reminder of some of the storytelling mastery that we got throughout the show. The Last of Us managed to turn the hit PlayStation game into an equally compelling show, and we are of course thrilled to know that it is coming back for more.

Of course, it is not altogether easy to digest the fact that we’re going to be waiting for a while to see something more — think in terms of 2025 at the earliest.

Related Get more news when it comes to the show and the future

Do you think we are going to see any actors from The Last of Us receive Emmys?

Go ahead and let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for some other updates all about the show.

(Photo: HBO.)

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