America’s Got Talent video: Who is Shadow Ace? See audition

America's Got Talent season 18

On Tuesday night’s America’s Got Talent premiere you are going to have a chance to see a performance from Shadow Ace. Want to know more about him now?

Of course, there are a number of things that are well-worth discussing when it comes to him as a performer, but let’s start off with his history. This is a shadow-puppet specialist who has performed in the Philippines on their version of the show, in addition to Asia’s Got Talent. He is already well-established within the larger framework of this competition, but this is not some huge surprise given that a lot of acts are these days.

So, is he worthy of the hype? We tend to think so! While this is not the sort of act that routinely wins the American version of the show, there is no denying that what he does is both pretty fun and incredibly unique. After all, we haven’t exactly seen a lot of people over the years doing what he manages to within this audition! He is really talented, and even manages to tell a little story with his routine using some really popular artists’ music.

Of course, moving forward for him in the competition the big challenge is going to be trying to find a way to ensure that every performance stands out and manages to be different from the rest. We do think that his talent is extraordinary, but American audiences can be rather discerning. We just hope that at the end of the day, he does enough for the voting public to get behind him — he is a likable underdog, and we do think that this is something that will be an asset to him.

You can watch a full preview of his audition now over here.

Related Be sure to get some more news on America’s Got Talent, including other insight on what’s next

What do you think about Shadow Ace as a performer on America’s Got Talent?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, be sure to also come back — there are several other discussions coming that we don’t want you missing.

(Photo: NBC.)

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