Tulsa King season 2 filming: Sylvester Stallone on delay

Tulsa King

We do realize that a Tulsa King season 2 is eventually going to arrive on Paramount+ — but with that, there is no clear timeline. The show does not even have an official showrunner at the moment and even if it had one, the writers’ strike is currently underway.

What we are trying to say here is pretty darn simple: You probably will not be seeing new episodes for the time being. Everyone involved, including the writers, wants to be back to make more. However, there needs to be a fair contract in order for that to happen! We hope that they get what they deserve over the next few months; if that happens, at least there’s a chance that we can return to Oklahoma at some point in the first half of next year.

Speaking about this situation more to Newsweek, here is what Tulsa King star Sylvester Stallone had to say about what’s going on:

“It’s definitely affecting work because we can’t move forward with a lot of projects, especially Tulsa King. But I think it’s changed so much that the writers do have a serious gripe […]. They’re in a grievance that it’s changed. There’s not enough work to keep all these writers going. And then they’re living in under this cloud of AI [artificial intelligence]. It’s a very terrifying time to be a writer. They work on, like, for our show [Tulsa King], eight episodes, and then you’re done, and that’s it. Like, ‘What do I live on for the rest of the year?’ sort of a thing. So I understand their plight.”

Having these shorter seasons is just one issue writers are facing; many of them are also being phased out with smaller writers’ rooms, and then there is the issue of residuals. We haven’t heard of a lot of progress on a strike resolution since it began, but admittedly we are pretty early on into the process. A lot could change over the months ahead.

When are you hoping to see Tulsa King season 2 arrive on Paramount+?

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(Photo: Paramount+.)

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