Survivor 43 episode 9 spoilers: Who wants revenge?

Survivor 43

Tomorrow night you’re going to see Survivor 43 episode 9 on CBS, and there is one thing we can say already: Owen is upset. He was almost left out of the Jeanine vote, and now he has to figure out a way to plot his revenge on James in particular.

Of course, doing that is easier said than done, especially when James has a Knowledge Is Power advantage.

So why is so much of Owen’s fury directed largely on James? In a new sneak peek for tomorrow’s episode (watch at the Survivor YouTube Channel), we learn that James told him right before Tribal Council that Ryan was going to be voted out. Owen would have believed him, were it not for Gabler telling him the truth at the last second. Why keep Owen in the dark? The simple answer is that James most likely wanted to set him up as an easy fall guy down the road. We’ve seen this happen so many times on Survivor over the years, as there are multiple games going on at once. You’ve got the game that is going on right in front of you, and then there is the game going on for the next Tribal and even the one after that.

Owen is not in the best of positions right now. He doesn’t have as many allies as some other people out there, and there also aren’t exactly a ton of people left from his original Baka Tribe. However, we do think he is flexible and capable of making the game work in whatever way he sees fit. This could be the #1 way in which he is able to keep pushing forward, and there is always a chance that a power-player like James is caught off-guard. There’s no guarantee he will use his Knowledge Is Power correctly, or he may just not play it at all and be blindsided. Remember that there are two people being voted out tomorrow night; that ups the ante significantly.

Related Get a few more details on this Survivor 43 episode right now

Who do you think is going to be voted out on Survivor 43 episode 9 tomorrow night?

Give us some of your early thoughts and predictions below! Once you do this, come back for other insight down the road. (Photo: CBS.)

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