‘The Bachelor’ spoilers: Sean Lowe talks AshLee Frazier, drama ahead
On Monday night, Sean Lowe is finally going to narrow down his remaining ladies on “The Bachelor” to just two, and it is going to surely be a difficult task for him considering just how equal the three are in different ways. While he suggested that Catherine Giudici was a step behind AshLee Frazier and Lindsay Yenter following the hometown dates, anyone who watches this show regularly knows that things can really change in the blink of an eye.
So what does Sean have to say about some of the drama ahead? Even though neither Tierra LiCausi nor Desiree Hartsock’s brother are still around to create problems for him, the leading man explained to People Magazine that there are still moments to come that will have some people tearing up, and have them talking to their friends:
“There is so much more drama left. I wouldn’t consider myself a very emotional person. Outside of AshLee telling me the story of meeting her father for the first time, I couldn’t tell you the last time I cried before that. But before the next episode’s rose ceremony, I remember putting my suit on, getting ready to face the day and I broke down. I realized the magnitude of the day. It hit me all at once.”
All of the ladies minus the final two are expected to be seen at the “Women Tell All” special airing a week from Monday, whereas the other two women will have their own opportunity to shine during the “After the Final Rose” event airing the very next week after Sean makes his final choice.
If you were Sean at this point, who would you pick? If you want to check out a peek at Monday’s episode, you can do so over at the link here.
Photo: ABC
February 26, 2013 @ 1:33 pm
Bobs, you criticize the show for how the relationships develop as not being real since they don’t know each other and then turn on a dime and try to pimp your daughter to a man you have never met and jsut saw on a eality show. Jeez. I agree Ashlee is holding a lot to the past and she needs to find a way to get past that. I don’t claim to understand her pain but I know past hurts especially from your parents can haunt you and you may never get over it but you must move past it. She was let go yesterday and I beleive that is the best thing for her. I hope she looks back to the show and sees that all we saw of Ashlee was the story of her past and nothing about the lady she is today. I think she too does not know who Ashlee is today.
bachelor follower
February 26, 2013 @ 7:49 am
AshLee’s true personality will show when she departs the show. Although considered matured, she still continues to harbor bad feelings from her childhood. As an adult and with great parents, these ill feelings should have been cast away. She definitely can not handle disappointments. Her anger, toughness and demands will certainly scare any man away.
February 24, 2013 @ 10:40 pm
The way I see it on the show, you might have already made your choice for possibly your future wife. If not from what I have seen hands down, I have the most perfect person for you. She would not make it on the show as her thoughts for affection as well as kissing would never come in such a short time. How could it happen when you don’t know each other? But her beliefs and desires are side by side. My daughter is whom I speak of, providing of course you are who you present yourself to be.