Is London Brown leaving Raising Kanan; is Marvin dead?
If we are to take a pretty specific look at what we saw here in this episode, the first observation to note is rather simple: Marvin made some mistakes when it comes to surveying his surroundings. He also has gotten himself into the crosshairs of a pretty dangerous situation with Raq and the entire family. It was inevitable that something was going to happen at some point; yet, it didn’t have to be Marvin, and it also didn’t have to be at this particular point. Just think about all the work that he’s done on himself this season to try to get some measure of redemption. Jukebox can’t forget about what happened, but she may be able to see some measure of progress.
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Marvin was shot right when he was having a conversation with Renee, his instructor at the anger-management group classes. There was clearly a deeper bond being formed there and he was excited to tell her about some of the “good things.” That’s when the gunfire happened. There’s a really good chance that even if Marvin survived, it’s 100% possible that Renee died. That could leave him determined to get vengeance, given that she was an innocent bystander and a positive influence on his life.
In the end, one thing does feel very-much clear: We don’t think anything is ever going to be quite the same following what we got on the show this week. This is the sort of episode you expect in the home stretch; it’s crazy to think there are only two more the rest of the way.
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