Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Is Turner 100% taking Monte?

Matt Turner Big Brother

It took a long time for some major game-related discussions to happen in the Big Brother 24 house today, but it finally happened late this afternoon.

So what can we say right now? Well, unless Turner is an absolutely incredible liar (which we know he has the potential to be), he is going to take Monte to the final two. The two discussed their final speeches today, and Turner even asked Monte if she should mention their longstanding final two — or if that would make Taylor upset. Turner’s confidence in their final 2 should give Monte all the more confidence that he’s safe no matter what happens in Part 3 of the final HoH Competition tomorrow.

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Of course, we don’t expect Monte to throw the final HoH, even if it gets some blood on his hands when he (likely) backstabs Turner and brings Taylor to the end. He’ll want that win and the subsequent eviction on his resume; that’s just the sort of player he is. (Monte acts in front of Turner like he’s still taking him, but he speaks about going with Taylor in more definite terms.)

As for Taylor…

She continues to talk to the cameras about trying to come up with the best argument. She’s worried that not winning a part of the final HoH will make her appear weak, but she wants this win so bad and will do whatever it takes. We do think Taylor’s ability to deliver a great speech is being somewhat underestimated; she may not have as many competition wins as Monte, but we do think she can make a better emotional case to win based on her comeback story.

In general, we think the general mood in the house is that everyone is excited for the season to be over tomorrow and this point, we get it. The main game that matters is who wins Part 3 tomorrow, and then how prepared they then are for the jury to ask questions. We’ve said this already, but we think that Turner is currently the one facing the biggest uphill battle based mostly on the jury segments we’ve seen so far.

As of right now, who do you think is going to win Big Brother 24?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back; there are more updates ahead that you won’t want to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

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