Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Brittany admits to her vote

Brittany Hoopes Big Brother

We were not expecting this moment to transpire within the Big Brother 24 house leading into tonight’s new episodes — heck, given this week in the game, we weren’t expecting anything at all!

Yet, the moment has officially come to pass now, as Brittany has admitted to Taylor that she was the vote to evict her this past week. So how did Taylor react?

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Let’s start things off here with the context, largely because that is important in this particular situation. Brittany was telling Taylor that if there’s anything that she has questions about after the show concerning something that she said, she wants the two to have discussions about it. She also made it clear that Taylor has her vote at the end and she will rally for other people, as well. Taylor told her that her plan is to win the final Head of Household and take Monte, which has been clear for a good while now.

Through most of this conversation, Brittany’s guilt over the vote was eating her alive — Taylor almost did her a favor by asking if she was the vote to send her out versus Alyssa. Brittany apologized, and said that she was just trying to blindside Turner and wanted Monte to break the tie. We do think that this was a little bit more complicated than that, as Brittany rallying for Alyssa seemed in part due to Alyssa’s emotional appeals over her final days and Brittany feeling as though Taylor wasn’t talking to her as much.

Anyway, Taylor took the admission in grace, which doesn’t shock us at all based on how she’s handled most of the season. Even if she’s upset, she wouldn’t show it since this is a jury vote — and it’s fair to say that she’s done a really good job of nurturing that the past few days.

What do you think about Brittany telling Taylor about the vote in Big Brother 24 today?

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