Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Endgame prep (day 61)
Our prevailing theory right now is pretty simple: Everyone knows that the Leftovers did a ton of their big conversations late at night and because of that, there is a legitimate fear now that someone will miss out if they go to bed early … so they all stay up super-late.
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Following Michael’s Veto win at BB Comics (read more about some of the comics now over here), he is going to keep Terrance and Alyssa on the block. Of the two, we’re easily going to see Terrance leave the game. We’re sure that DJ Showtime is going to try something to get Michael to change up the nominations today, but it’s not going to be easy given how he’s already threatened his jury vote on him multiple times. Rarely has that ever turned out to be a great strategy, even if he holds true to it after eviction.
Rather than thinking specifically about this eviction, some of the players are looking ahead. Monte has options still with Turner, in addition to the bond he has with Taylor. He recognizes that Michael is a huge threat and eventually, he’ll have to make a move there. (Michael could be super-vulnerable during the Double Eviction, since if he doesn’t win Veto, he could be out.) Meanwhile, Brittany has determined she’s going to work hard to bond with Alyssa the next few days. That makes some sense given that she’s the easiest person to beat out of everyone who is left in competitions. She does have “friends” on the jury, but at the same time Jasmine left irritated by some of the secrets she spilled. Alyssa is also upset that her BB Comic (themed around her shopping) was so boring and she doesn’t want to be thought of as the Big D of the season. She’s telling Brittany what she’d want to hear, including that the two of them need Michael.
It may seem uneventful, but most of the Double is just going to be about comps. That’s going to be the way it is so long as Michael sticks around.
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