Big Brother 24: Was Kyle Capener evicted, sent to jury?
From the moment that Michael and Brittany decided to reveal his Cookout 2.0 suspicions to the house / subsequence alliance plan, it felt clear that he was going to be evicted from the game. Turner put him on the block, and Monte made it clear that he had zero interest in keeping him around. As he put it, there had to be consequences to his actions. (Terrance did at one point float the idea of keeping Kyle so that he could “grow” within the house, but that never got any real traction — we think it’s also just about Terrance thinking that Kyle was more loyal to him game-wise than Taylor.)
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Kyle did no campaigning the past two days, making it clear that he was approaching the game more as a juror and trying to make amends with some players. We recognize that there’s going to be skepticism to how committed he is in his quest to be better, and we get that — it’s one thing to say things on-camera for a reality TV show, and it’s another to hold true to your message outside the game. That’s what we have to wait and see on.
Our big question entering the episode tonight was how the House Meeting would be presented and whether or not the vote was truly going to be unanimous … and it was. Everything leading up to the Julie interview went exactly as we expected that it was, with the other players in the game showing forgiveness while also making it clear why what he did was wrong.
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What did you think about tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode, and Kyle Capener’s eviction from the game?
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