Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Week 7 eviction preview! (day 44)
Of course, before we get around to that, we have to see what happens when it comes to Indy and Terrance on the block. Who is in the most danger? Easily Indy, but at the same time this game is getting a little bit messier than we would have imagined in advance.
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The biggest issue right now has a lot to do with posturing in the game. Joseph is hesitant to vote out Indy, largely because he wants to keep his allegiance hidden and this will look like he still supports the Five Swatters. Meanwhile, Kyle may consider something similar depending on Alyssa and Jasmine, who have gone back and forth all week on what they want. Meanwhile, Michael wants to give Indy a sympathy vote if he’s able to.
The issue here is that there are eight people voting this week, so if Kyle, Michael, Joseph, Alyssa, and Jasmine all vote to evict Terrance, he goes — and that is not the plan. With Kyle, Michael, and Joseph in particular, this is a game of chicken to see who gets the most blood on their hands and angers Indy. It’s also possible that Taylor is forced to break the tie, which would easily get more blood on her hands — and that’d also be pretty cruel, all things considered. We already think there’s too much in the stupid narrative that Alyssa is “nice” and that Taylor “mean,” especially in the way the show edited things last night. (Just for the record, Taylor is unbelievably nice — she’s been more patient with some of the nonsense thrown her way than anyone could be.)
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