Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Michael & Brittany’s plan (day 43)

Brittany Hoopes Big Brother

As we get deeper into day 43 within the Big Brother 24 house, we are starting to see campaigning! This does make a certain degree of sense, given that no one should willingly be cool to be evicted from the house.

Of course, we also don’t think it is going to do much. Indy is trying to campaign to Michael and Brittany and within that, that she is trying to lay low. Michael is upset that he can’t even give her a sympathy vote, and it’s clear that she will be leaving the house over Terrance.

We are starting to get a better sense of what these two want long-term, and it goes a little something like this: Try to pit Kyle/Turner and Monte/Joseph against each other so that the two of them plus Taylor can slide through. They want Kyle to win HoH to target Monte and Joseph and really, that is where we just think this is all ridiculous. Beyond the horrific optics of Kyle trying to bring a lot of white players together on suspicion of a Cookout 2.0 (which does not exist), there is also the fact that Kyle has a showmance. He is more loyal to someone outside the Leftovers than either Monte or Joseph are. Also, Kyle has shown himself to be a competition threat over time. Yes, Monte won HoH, but Kyle has won two Vetoes (including one he co-won with Daniel) and came close to winning this past endurance competition. Monte has said he does want Michael out at final seven, but a lot of people have said that. Michael’s played himself into a corner by doing so well at competitions.

The other mistake they seem to be making is assuming that Turner and Kyle are really that tight. Turner already turned down Kyle’s idiotic anti-Cookout alliance and we think he’s more just going with the flow of things for now.

Remember that this split house twist is coming, and we wouldn’t be surprised if Michael, Kyle, Monte, or Joseph is evicted at some point during it. The Leftovers could be at the end sooner than you’d think.

Related Get some more news on Big Brother 24, including more daily live-feed updates

What do you most want to see Brittany and Michael do moving forward within the Big Brother 24 house?

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