Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Week 2 nominations (day 10)

Big Brother

The week 2 nominations have come in from Big Brother 24and we’d say that they are both somewhat expected and marginally surprising from what things looked like a little earlier in the afternoon.

If you missed our most-recent update, Head of Household Jasmine seemed to have decided on a plan to nominate Turner and Pooch for eviction, with Taylor lurking as a possible replacement nominee. However, things later changed, and she opted to go ahead and nominate Pooch and Taylor from the start instead.

As a quick reminder, bookmark this link to get some more of our live-feed updates all season long. We post several articles every day throughout the season!

What’s the reasoning for this? There’s a chance that it could be a move made to ensure that Jasmine gets less blood on her hands — Taylor already knows what it’s like to be on the block, and Jasmine tipped her off about it shortly before the nomination ceremony. Taylor was told that she wasn’t the target, and that she would know who was the moment that they were up there. Pooch is an easy nominee in that he volunteered, but if he stays up there, it feels like there is a reasonably good chance he’ll be taken out.

(Of course, the irony in Taylor surviving the block again this week, if it happens, is that she’s starting to get a pretty interesting resume. We understand that she would’ve been evicted if the last eviction transpired normally, but even if Paloma hadn’t quit, this still wouldn’t have been a normal eviction. That’s something that producers had hyped up in advance, and we learned more about it last night.)

The Veto will take place in the house tomorrow, and of course, we’re looking forward to sharing more on it then. Pooch is a physical competitor, but there is no guarantee that it is a physical Veto.

What do you think about Jasmine’s nominations within the Big Brother 24 house?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! As we mentioned earlier, remember to also keep coming back to get even more updates on the feeds over the course of the season.

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