Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Paloma’s money-splitting drama
So far, she’s a hard player to describe just because she seems to be a combination of so many people. She’s got the delusions of grandeur of a Raven alongside the need of a Kaitlyn to feel like she’s very much in control. She probably thinks that she’s like Vanessa … but she’s not Vanessa. Not even close. She lacks an ability to keep some of her thoughts on the inside, and that’s coming through easily in the past 24 hours.
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Also, she got herself in trouble with production over a huge no-no within the game.
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While Big Brother tends to be fairly flexible sometimes with how they enforce the rules, there are a few specific no-no’s within the game. One of the biggest ones is talking about splitting the money if you win. In Paloma’s case, she 1) assumed that she was going to win and 2) then told other players that she would invest in their businesses. Basically, it is her trying to give other people an incentive to keep her. Also, Big Brother is not Shark Tank. Paloma is not Mark Cuban.
Anyhow, production clearly gave Paloma a big talking-to and she has spent this morning encouraging other people to read the rules, a move that feels very much like projecting so she doesn’t have to focus on herself. Here’s also a reminder that Paloma openly talks about winning and yet, one of the “terrible” things that Taylor has done (note the sarcasm there) is have an outfit that she wants to wear on finale night. Taylor could be the target through no real fault of her own, though Daniel has waffled as to whether or not he will do it. Michael has already said he hopes the backstage twist could shake things up, and we tend to think it would Don’t be shocked if Paloma, Alyssa, or Brittany end up on the block at the end of this.
(If you missed it, Michael won the Veto this weekend and he will almost certainly take himself off the block; Taylor would go up versus Terrance.)
Do you think Paloma will be leaving Big Brother 24 sooner rather than later?
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