Station 19 season 6 premiere date: Why is it later than expected?
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So why then? We think a lot of people out there anticipated a start in late September for the Jaina Lee Ortiz series — and if not then, we all thought it’d be because Grey’s Anatomy was doing a two-hour premiere. That’s not the case.
If we had to wager a guess, the later premiere date may just be due to ABC trying to change up their schedule for the 2022-23 season, especially when it comes to these shows. One of the things that a lot of fans complain about is that there are these huge hiatuses right in the middle of the season, and we’re assuming that (at least for now) we’re going to continue to see that here. However, we also think that there’s a chance we’ll see slightly shorter breaks so long as we’re getting 18-22 episodes in this season.
Another reason for the long wait may just be to when production is starting on some of these shows; or, allowing ABC time to get together the new series in Alaska Daily that is airing after these two shows and starring Hilary Swank. They clearly will want to use both Grey’s Anatomy and Station 19 as a jumping-off point for it. After all, they would be ridiculous to not want that! These shows have one of the more consistent fanbases that exists across the network at large.
Hopefully, we will at least get some more details on the story ahead for Station 19 when we get around to August or September. We’ll keep our eyes peeled!
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Station 19 right now
What do you most want to see when it comes to Station 19 season 6?
Are you sad to be waiting until October to see it? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back — there are some other updates on the way that we don’t want you missing. (Photo: ABC.)