This Is Us season 6 episode 11 photo: Happier times for Kate, Toby

This Is Us

When This Is Us season 6 episode 11, you have to prepare for a lot of heartache. That’s inevitable when you consider the subject matter.

For those who don’t know already, “Saturday in the Park” is the story of Rebecca and Miguel’s anniversary party. Unfortunately, it is also the story of how Kate and Toby get divorced. We know that this is the day; it is when the smoker incident happens, and this is going to be a shattering event that has huge ramifications for all of the Pearsons.

New This Is Us video! If you have not seen our preview for what is coming up on Tuesday yet, go ahead and check that out below! Once you do this, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. This is the best way to make certain you don’t miss any other updates.

What the photo above does is serve as a reminder that even in the midst of so many hard times, there are going to be opportunities to smile moving forward. Kate and Toby may have key differences on how they want to live their lives, but we don’t doubt for a second that they love their children. Their parenting strategies differ, but the love and care is there. Here, you can see the two with Jack at the park, which is an incredibly important place for his development. Kate has worked hard to teach him how to make it there, including how many steps it takes for him to actually arrive there.

We know that at some point in this episode, you are going to see Jack go missing. If we had to guess, we’d say that the park is where he ends up; he may take some of his knowledge a little too far and decide to go back to this place on his own.

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What do you think is coming for Kate and Toby beyond the smoker incident on This Is Us season 6 episode 11?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to stick around to make sure you don’t want to miss them. (Photo: NBC.)

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