Big Brother Canada 10 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results (day 31)

Big Brother Canada

The latest Veto Ceremony occurred today within the Big Brother Canada 10 house, so do you want to get a sense of what happened?

By and large, we don’t think there are going to be too many surprises here. Just like it was predicted in advance, Hermon removed himself from the block with his Veto. With that, Head of Household Jess then nominated Tynesha. Either she or Moose will be leaving the game this Thursday, and we could at least have an interesting back-and-forth on what is going to happen here.

One of the big, defining questions here could come down to how much Moose really wants to stay. He’s already indicated to Hermon that he’d rather he be voted out over her, and he told Betty shortly after the Veto Ceremony that Tynesha deserves to be there more than anyone. He also did note that he’d keep fighting, but he wasn’t going to directly campaign against her. It should be noted that his chat with Hermon was prior to the Veto Ceremony, and he may have changed his thinking slightly while the feeds were down.

We do think the vote this time around could come down to people like Hermon trying to figure out the best overall play for their game. The truth is that Moose is a great shield for a lot of people who can also win competitions. Also, keeping Tynesha is easily going to play further into Summer and Betty’s hands. We think most of the internet agrees that Summer is playing the best game right now; she’s just shown a real intelligence for the game and ability to largely get what she wants, without being too overt about it.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada right now

What do you most want to see happen when it comes to the rest of the week in Big Brother Canada 10?

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