Is Ryan Guzman leaving 9-1-1? Is Eddie gone from the 118 for good?

Buck and Eddie

Is Ryan Guzman leaving 9-1-1 season 5? Also, how worried should you be that Eddie Diaz is gone from the 118 for the rest of the series?

If you watched the last episode of the first-responder drama last Christmas, then you know already how the story ended: Eddie decided that it was too much for him to be out in the field anymore. He wants to be there for Christopher, but there’s also more going on in his head beyond just that.

For those wondering entering tonight’s episode, you will still see Guzman moving forward this season, albeit in a different capacity. According to Entertainment Weekly, the character will be working at the 9-1-1 call center, so there still will be interactions between him and other familiar faces. Here is some of what executive producer Kristen Reidel had to say on the journey to come to the aforementioned site:

“We ended the Christmas episode with Eddie announcing that he was leaving the 118, and that was a big move — and I’m sure it annoyed many people in the audience … But it’s a big move, and you need to honor the big move. Eddie’s going to have a little journey that he’s got to do in these next few episodes. Eddie’s not okay, and he probably should not be holding anybody’s life in his hands until he gets his own together.”

We imagine that Eddie’s status will be touched on over the course of the next several episodes and if he does make it back to the 118, it’s not going to be in some immediate way. A little bit of patience is going to be required, and we’re curious to see if there’s anything more that he learns from this overall experience of being away from the firehouse.

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What do you think is going to be coming for Ryan Guzman as Eddie on 9-1-1 season 5 moving forward?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, be sure to stick around — there are more updates on the way and of course, we won’t want you to miss those. (Photo: Fox.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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