Big Brother Canada 10 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony results (day 24)

Marty BBCAN10

The Veto Ceremony took place today in Big Brother Canada 10and let’s just say this is not what we expected when Gino won Head of Household. Yet, it has now officially come to pass: Kyle is on the block. Not only that, but he will almost certainly be leaving the game later this week.

Gino said ahead of time that he’d give his one-time ally a heads-up before it happened, and he did. All things considered, Kyle seems to understand what led to this happening, and recognizes that winning that HoH Competition was the worst thing imaginable for his game. He put himself into a position where he alienated most of the house, and Gino feels like the best thing he can do for his game is put as much distance between them as possible.

We’ve now got a “showdown” on the block of Kyle versus Jess, though we should probably also note that this is really not much of a showdown unless Kyle makes some incredible pitch over the next couple of days. He already feels somewhat resigned to his fate and is bummed that he won’t get to make jury.

For those wondering, Marty also apparently “tore into” Gino during his speech after using the Veto on himself. This was all staged, as Marty and Gino have now repaired the issues that were in their relationship. We can’t speak to everyone else’s reaction to it yet, but we do think we’re leaving this week in a situation where there are more clear sides of the house again. Gino, Marty, and Jacey-Lynne can all kind-of move forward together, and they at least think they can have something with Josh, as well. This is poised to be a really chaotic next few weeks in the game and that has us excited!

Related Check out more updates now when it comes to Big Brother Canada

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