Survivor 42 episode 2: Marya Sherron voted out at Taku

Survivor 42

There was so much entertainment throughout Survivor 42and we mean that especially when it comes to everything with Mike. He found his portion of the shared Vati immunity idol, and then he made a really bad mistake in telling Daniel. He told Chanelle and now, that secret is now out there to some extent.

Meanwhile, over on the Ika tribe we saw the shortest-lived women’s alliance in history. We already know that Drea is a target, but would that actually matter by the end of the episode? We know how fast things tend to change within this game.

Watch our latest Survivor 42 review! Take a look below to get some of our thoughts on the most recent episode of the series. Once you do just that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube! We’ll have other updates through the rest of the season.

At the immunity challenge, we saw the return of blindfolds. It was fun, it was case, and this was close! Yet, the Taku tribe lost, and that led to a major debate: Would Marya or Maryanne be voted out? Neither one of them was the strongest player in challenges, but Jonathan and Omar really liked her. Marya was a little more secure in herself, but they didn’t connect with her on the same level.

If we were in the game, we would’ve stuck with Marya — she seemed less willing to scramble and hunt for idols and advantages. She’s more of a reliable ally in that way.

So who was voted out in the end?

Marya used her Shot in the Dark, but it didn’t quite work out for her. Ultimately, she then got the lion’s share of the vote and she is now gone from the game. Personally, we think it’s a mistake, but we shall see…

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Survivor, including more updates on what lies ahead

What did you think about the events of Survivor 42 episode 2?

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