Is The Blacklist new tonight on NBC? Season 9 episode 10, 11 spoilers
We certainly know that the James Spader drama is poised to come back soon; unfortunately, it’s not going to happen tonight. We’re in the final days of the Beijing Games and with that in mind, all of the network’s programming will remain preempted until the other side of Sunday. The Blacklist will return with more of season 9 next week, but it will be on a different night: Fridays.
New The Blacklist video! If you look below, you can see our brand-new preview highlighting what is coming up next. After you do that, remember to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are other updates coming and we don’t want you missing any moving forward.
Want to learn more about the February 25 return “Arcane Wireless,” or the installment that comes afterwards in “The Conglomerate”? Rest assured, we’re happy to help! Go ahead and view the synopses below…
Season 9 episode 10, “Arcane Wireless” – 02/25/2022 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Friday) : The Task Force’s investigation into Arcane Wireless, an untraceable cellular network for criminals, leads to unexpected consequences. Red races against the clock to get a colleague out of trouble. Fisher Stevens and Aida Turturro guest star. TV-14
Season 9 episode 11, “The Conglomerate” – 03/04/2022 (08:00PM – 09:00PM) (Friday) : An investigation into the Conglomerate, a group of former government-sponsored assassins, becomes complicated when the Task Force learns one of their own may have ties to the group. Red digs deeper into the events leading up to Liz’s death. TV-14
The latter episode is the one we’re more excited to see in terms of the long-term story. It’s possible we’ll get a few clues on “Arcane Wireless” in the first one, but it hardly feels like resolution is ahead.
What do you most want to see on The Blacklist season 9 when the series returns?
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