The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 5 spoilers: Choosing loyalties

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Want to know a little more about The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 5? There are a number of different things to dive into here, especially when it comes to allegiances.

Ever since Thony got herself into this particular line of work, it’s fair to say that things have gotten difficult for her — very difficult. Unfortunately, we get the feeling that it’s going to get so much worse now before it starts to get better. She has some huge decisions to make, and they are ones that could hamper all of the trust that she’s built. This is all pretty terrible for her, but pretty great for us as a viewer. How rare is it that we get a story with these sort of stakes so early on in a series?

To get a few more details now on what lies ahead, be sure to check out the full The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 5 synopsis:

When a party bus cleanup job takes a turn for the worse, and Garrett puts Thony in a threatening position, she must choose between her loyalty to Arman and saving Fiona from deportation. Meanwhile, after all his efforts to secure a new business for Hayak, Arman is blindsided when Hayak chooses his daughter over him on the all-new “The Icebox” episode of THE CLEANING LADY airing Monday, Feb. 7 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (CLD-105) (TV-14 D, L, S)

As the show continues to progress, there’s one big question we’re wondering above all others: What are the odds right now of a season 2? Is there a reason to feel optimistic about it? This show has been one of the more pleasant surprises of the season ratings-wise for Fox; if it holds firm to where it is right now, it’s almost a slam dunk that it is coming back.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Cleaning Lady right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to The Cleaning Lady season 1 episode 5?

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