Celebrity Big Brother 3 spotlight: How in the world will Lamar Odom do?

Lamar Odom

Leading into the premiere of Celebrity Big Brother 3 next week we’re going to be offering spotlights on a number of cast members — think of it as a primer! We’re going to need that, given that there are a lot of people we’re honestly not that familiar with.

A good starting-off point here, though, has to be Lamar Odom. He’s arguably one of the most famous people in the cast, and he’s also the one who we, simultaneously, have the least amount of confidence in as a game-player. We’re not sure he knows much about Big Brother or how to accurately play the game. We know the Metta World Peace comparisons are going to roll in, and that’s without even mentioning that they both played on the Lakers.

We will say this: If you’re looking for a lot of entertaining stories from the live feeds, you could get that from Lamar — if he chooses to open up. For those who are familiar with his life or have read his memoir, the guy has battled a ton of demons over the years, especially when it comes to addiction. He had a near-fatal overdose in Las Vegas several years back and it’s remarkable that he is still here to even be on this show. We know the media headlines are mostly about his past marriage to Khloe Kardashian but that’s just a part of his story.

As a gameplayer, Lamar is a total wildcard. We know he was incredibly competitive at times on the basketball court, but that’s a really different environment than the Big Brother house. We’re not sure he’s ready for being locked away in the house for weeks at a time, and he may struggle with that so much that he can’t even focus on the game. He’s used to being in different places almost constantly. While he is an athlete, we’re not sure being 6’10” is going to be all that useful in some of the competitions.

We can’t see Lamar winning — the best-case scenario for him is that he’s a team player in an alliance and he stumbles his way into the final two because of that. He’s got high upside as entertainment, but low value as a game-player.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother and other celebrities right now

How do you think Lamar Odom will do in the Celebrity Big Brother 3 house?

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