The Bachelor episode 4 spoilers: The Shanae dramatics continue

Shanae, The Bachelor

Next week you’re going to see The Bachelor episode 4 arrive on ABC — and more than likely, even more chaos pertaining to Shanae.

With Cassidy gone, is she by far the biggest “villain” of the season? It feels that way and beyond just that, it doesn’t seem that she cares at all. She’s of an archetype that you don’t often see on the show, one who purposefully steps over the line and even seems to reveal in the drama that she causes. We do wonder if this is an attitude she’ll continue either as the season progresses, or at an eventual Men Tell All when she is inevitably going to be confronted by a number of other people.

Nothing was resolved between Shanae and Elizabeth tonight and with that in mind, we have a feeling that something dramatic is coming. We predicted tonight that at some point, there could be a two-on-one date featuring these two front and center. We didn’t see evidence of that in the promo for what’s ahead, but it’s clear that everyone is going to want Shanae gone, and soon.

Want to get a prime example of this? Just think in terms of her smashing a trophy that was won during one of those hokey competition dates. She also argues with a number of the other women and seems to be continuing forward her personal narrative that she’s not being treated altogether fairly compared to some of the other people in the cast. What she doesn’t quite seem to realize here is that the more she continues down this road, the more she’s isolating herself and making enemies.

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What do you most want to see when it comes to The Bachelor episode 4?

How much messier do you anticipate things are going to get? Share some of your early thoughts in the comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are some other updates coming and we don’t want you missing them. (Photo: ABC.)

This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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