The Blacklist season 9 episode 9: New twist on Vandyke, Liz’s death!
“Boukman Baptiste” is the strongest episode of the season for many reasons. For starters, we understand more of what happened between Dembe and Reddington, and why the former ultimately became an FBI agent in the first place. Also, we got a chance to learn more about the fateful night of Liz’s death. To the surprise of no one, there was more going on than was initially made clear!
New The Blacklist video! Take a look below for some other thoughts all about tonight’s epic episode. There’s absolutely a lot to get into here! Once you do that, SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube to make sure you don’t miss any other updates.
As it turns out, Dembe was not the person who first led Vandyke to the scene of Liz’s death. Instead, that person is still unclear. Reddington no longer holds him responsible, though, and they can move forward with a better understanding. Dembe may not be working for James Spader’s character anymore, but we tend to think that they can be now closer colleagues once more. For the time being, we’ll take whatever step in the right direction that we can possibly get.
So what else transpired during this episode? Well, for starters, there was a chance to learn a little bit more about how Marvin Gerard facilitated a lot of things over the past couple of years, and how Cooper worked to get Dembe into the FBI. It seems as though there’s still a Big Bad lurking around the corner, though, and we’ll have to wait to properly see whoever that is.
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