This Is Us season 6 premiere spoilers: Randall faces a choice

Randall Pearson

The This Is Us season 6 premiere is going to be here before you know it! Come Tuesday, January 4 the Pearson family will be back on television, and will bring along with them some big stories and powerful choices.

Oh, and we should also mention the fact that the Big Three are going to be celebrating their 41st birthdays! This should be a happy and peaceful occasion … right? Well, if only it were that easy.

Have you watched our This Is Us season 5 finale review yet? If not, be sure to look below for some other thoughts all about the big ending and the flash-forward to Kate’s second wedding. Once you take a look at that SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. Also, remember that we’ll be breaking down new episodes for the entirety of the season.

In a new sneak peek over at Entertainment Weekly from the upcoming premiere, you can see that Randall learns more about the person responsible for the robbery that we saw in the past on the show. Not only that, but he has a chance to go to the courthouse and confront the guy over what he did.

After Beth hears that, she basically offers him a choice: Spend his birthday celebrating with her and doing all sorts of “activities” together (hey, we’re a family site), or spend it going down and confronting a guy where the end result won’t change anything. Because Randall is not the sort of guy to let anything like this go, he chooses door #2 much to his own wife’s chagrin. What will he get out of this? Maybe a sense of closure in his head and if he needs that, we understand. Yet, it really doesn’t sound like an altogether pleasant way to spend your birthday.

Related Get some more news on the final season right now, including a tease from Milo Ventimiglia

What do you most want to see from Randall during the This Is Us season 6 premiere?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, stick around for some other updates that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: NBC.)

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