The Blacklist season 9 episode 5 photo: Reddington, Dembe chat
What happened between the two of them? We can’t confirm that we’re going to get some huge amount of details, but we do think this hour could bring us some clues. The two are meeting up again at Reddington’s little home in the middle of the woods, and we know that Dembe’s past with Reddington could be creating some complications while he continues to work for the FBI.
New The Blacklist video! Take a look below for our preview for this upcoming episode “Benjamin T. Okara.” We’re going to be breaking it down further very soon, so we suggest you SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube. There are more updates coming and we don’t want you to miss them.
What is clear is that there is still some affection here between the two. Remember: Reddington let Dembe arrest Robert Vesco, even though he didn’t have to. It’s why we’re willing to wager that what happened to them over the hiatus was Reddington’s doing. Dembe has shown an incredible amount of loyalty to James Spader’s character over the years, and we saw that move as him recognizing that he needed to give Dembe a win to give him a chance in his new job.
Ultimately, Dembe can’t escape his past so easily. That’s something he has to realize; people will always associate him with his work with Reddington, and he could face distrust both from law enforcement and criminals alike. We’re excited to see where things go for him moving forward, but there’s no denying that he’s chosen a difficult road for himself.
What do you think is going to happen on The Blacklist season 9 episode 5?
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