Doctor Who: Flux star Jodie Whittaker on preparing her goodbye

Doctor Who: Flux

We know that the end is coming for Doctor Who star Jodie Whittaker. However, this is not an immediate farewell! She is poised to star across the upcoming season 13 alternately titled Doctor Who: Flux. Then, there are a series of specials slated for next year. Presumably, she’ll make her exit at the end of the final one, with Russell T. Davies coming on board as showrunner after the fact.

One thing that has been interesting to learn leading up to Sunday night’s premiere is rather simple: Jodie wasn’t sure at one point that the end would be coming soon. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, she made it clear that she faced a lot of uncertainty and debate as she and Chris Chibnall talked about saying goodbye together:

“There was a point where I was definitely like, ‘Uhh, I don’t know,'” says the actress. “We started this [season] and I was like, ‘I don’t know if I’m going to be able to commit to this decision.’ Wonderfully, going into it, it didn’t feel like either of us were being held to our own conversation. It was still very much, between me and him, a very active conversation.

“But at the point when you’re filming and you go, ‘Right, what are we doing?,’ there was just something about it that was like, ‘I think it is the right time.’ I know at some point there will be another Doctor, and I feel I can wholeheartedly give them this, through tears, and go, ‘Aww, mate, you lucky f—er, you are being given an absolute pearl.’ I want people to know that I really did fully throw myself into it and give it all I’ve got so that I’ve not shortchanged anyone.”

We’ve always believed that Jodie put her all into this character and over the years, she’s allowed us to see an iteration of The Doctor that is fun, energetic, but also curious and heartfelt. She’s brought a fantastic spin to an iconic character and the bar is set high for whoever will fill her shoes.

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What are you the most excited to see from Jodie Whittaker across Doctor Who: Flux?

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