Power Book III: Raising Kanan finale: Is Detective Howard really dead?
For the time being, we definitely recognize that things are not looking all that great for the character — how could they be given the way that he was shot? Clearly, his life is on the line, and we don’t foresee a situation where things are going to be getting better for him shortly.
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The only glimmer of hope is what we’ve got in the promo below, as you can see Howard being carted over to the hospital. It’s a real miracle he’s not 100% dead as of yet given his leukemia diagnosis plus the bullet that is inevitably in him, but what does he decide to do now? He’s perhaps more desperate than ever, but he also likely realizes that there’s no chance that Kanan will give him the bone marrow. Even if he agreed to it Raq would have to sign off on it and at this point, that feels like a non-starter since clearly, she’d rather him just be dead.
Elsewhere in this episode, there’s going to be all-out war between Unique’s crew and Raq’s — with Howard off the streets, that’s going to mean even more chaos and a situation that Burke cannot even hope to resolve on her own.
What do you most want to see when it comes to the Power Book III: Raising Kanan finale next week?
Do you think that Detective Howard may somehow still be alive? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to stick around — there are some more updates on the way and we don’t want you missing any of them. (Photo: Starz.)