Animal Kingdom season 5: A Craig tease + season 6 talk!
First things first here, let’s put the spotlight on Craig! Why not? Ben Robson’s character is consistently one of the better one’s on the show — he’s steady, he’s physical, and you often know more of what you’re going to get with him. J may be more of the planner, but Craig is the sort of guy you can count on to deliver some of those plans while you are out on a heist. In the character poster below, the TNT drama compares him very much to a shark.
Just like the other Cody boys, it goes without saying that the story for Craig coming up is going to be enormous. It has to be when you think about what got us to this point. At the end of season 4, Smurf was killed at J’s hand. This throws the entire criminal operation into a certain degree of chaos. Each one of these guys is going to think that they have the metaphorical key to the kingdom. Will they fight over control, or instead realize that they are better off working together? It’s far too early to know what is going to happen over the course of the year. The only thing that we’ve got some element of confidence in is that the action will still be there in season 5, much like it has in the past. Also, it’s not exactly like the Cody boys all got along back when Smurf was alive.
While you think about this upcoming season, rest assured that work is also being done already on the sixth and final season of the show. It’s been great that Animal Kingdom has been on for as long as it has, but we know that all good things come to an end. It’s quite remarkable to begin with that a show on basic cable managed to even make it this far.
What do you most want to see when it comes to Animal Kingdom season 5?
Be sure to share some of your thoughts and hopes in the attached comments! After you do just that, be sure to stick around to get some more information when it comes to the series. (Photo: AMC.)