Is This Is Us new tonight on NBC? Prepare for season 5 finale
The good news that we can share now is quite simple: The finale is going to be airing before too long! In just a matter of hours the season 5 finale will be here and with that, you will see whether or not these two characters actually tie the knot. Of course, beyond that we wonder if the show will bring any other twists to the table.
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While we obviously hope that we see these two characters say their vows, we also recognize that nothing is 100% certain. Madison was in an uncertain place at the end of this past episode and with that, it’s clear that there are some more conversations that need to be had. Go ahead and expect some of that.
Meanwhile, we’re also hoping that there are a few other subjects addressed here, whether it be Beth’s professional future, whether Toby gets a job, and if there are any more flash-forwards. We’re still waiting to see whether Kate or Madison are at the cabin in the future, where everyone is looking after Rebecca on her deathbed.
We know that there is a season 6 coming beyond the finale — with that being said, we also know that this is the final season. We hope to see the story move rather quickly! We need some more reveals and then also teases for whatever the future holds.
Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to This Is Us
How do you think the This Is Us season 5 finale is going to conclude?
Be sure to let us know right now in the comments! Once you take a look at that, remember to stick around for some other updates. (Photo: NBC.)