This Is Us season 5 episode 15: Could Kate & Toby get a divorce?

This Is US

We know that much of This Is Us season 5 episode 15 was about Kevin and Madison — yet, we want to spend a moment on Kate and Toby. It’s hard not to based on some of the recent clues!

Are these two about to be in some serious relationship trouble — think in terms of a divorce? Let’s dive into that further…

If you want to watch our full review for tonight’s This Is Us episode, be sure to do that below! After you do just that, remember to subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube! We’ll have more coverage leading up to the last episode of the season.

The biggest clue that we’ve got on this subject comes in the form of the closing minutes tonight, where Toby called to express interest in the San Francisco job. Yet, we haven’t seen him communicate at all with Kate about this decision, and we know already that the two have not been communicating as they have in the past.

Also, remember that Kate is not present in the flash-forwards as of yet; meanwhile, Toby arrived without her. Despite their joy at adopting a baby earlier this season, so much of that has faded. We know that This Is Us tends to pair happiness with sadness, mostly in a “we can’t have nice things” sort of way. Even if Kevin and Madison say their vows, there is no guarantee we’ll have great news elsewhere.

Ultimately, the state of Kate and Toby are one of the things we’ll be watching closely throughout next week’s finale. Even if there is no update, we imagine that there could be a twist that sets the state for the sixth and final season. (It’s going to take some time to get us used to saying that.)

Related Be sure to score some other information on This Is Us, including a promo for the finale

What do you think is going to happen with Kate and Toby on This Is Us season 5?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do just that, remember to stick around — there are some other updates ahead all about the show. (Photo: NBC.)

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