This Is Us season 5 episode 15 photo: Why is Sophie back?
Of course, it wouldn’t be This Is Us without a few twists and turns along the way, and you can see some of that in the photo above. Here, you have another reminder that Sophie has a big role to play in this hour, both in the present and the past. This image is of the flashback portion of the episode, where we could get another reminder as to why Kevin’s marriage to her didn’t work out so many other years ago.
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One of the things that we’re hoping to have the most here is a greater sense of closure on Kevin’s part. We know that Sophie moved on, and in some ways that forced him to recognize that things were over. Yet, is he 100% ready to move on himself? He has to make more of a concentrated, personal decision now if he hasn’t already. We get the sense that he cares for Madison a great deal, but there’s also some indecision here — and we’ve seen Kevin become quite self-destructive with this sort of thing in the past.
If there’s one thing that we would plead to the This Is Us writers right now, it’s simply this: Allow us to have some sort of happy ending to this season! After all the hard times in the real world, we don’t need to be thrust into some devastation with this show.
Related – Be sure to get some other news when it comes to This Is Us right now
Where do you think the story is going moving into This Is Us season 5 episode 15?
Be sure to share some of your thoughts right away in the comments! We’ll have more updates later that you don’t want to miss. (Photo: NBC.)