Line of Duty season 6 episode 5 spoilers: Kate’s plan to take down Jo

Line of Duty

As we move into Line of Duty season 6 episode 5 airing on BBC One next week, we’re going to be facing the same goal — a quest to take down Jo Davidson. Just about every piece of evidence out there suggests that she’s corrupt. Yet, taking down a DCI like her is no easy task. She’s clearly well-protected on all sides, and you have to think that she will continue to do whatever she can to ensure she is untouchable.

So what is the plan moving into this upcoming episode? It’s one originated by Kate, and obviously, it’s risky. One wrong move and she all but ensures that she’s not going to be able to get her desired result. The synopsis for Line of Duty season 6 episode 5 below indicates that, and also suggests that some trouble is ahead for Ted Hastings:

AC-12 link Gail Vella’s murder with a historic case of police corruption, and Kate hatches a plan to tell once and for all if Jo is bent. They are closer than ever to cracking the case, but when Hastings’ authority is undermined it leaves his team in a potentially dangerous situation.

After this episode, there are only going to be two more episodes in this epic season. When you consider that, it goes without saying that things are going to move quickly. They almost have to! We’ll hopefully get answers on Jo, but what about the larger mystery? Line of Duty has long loved to dangle that there is some sort of greater adversary somewhere in the shadows, and it’s going to be interesting to see what else can be uncovered.

Of course, we don’t want things to move too fast so that the show itself is over. There’s something about this institution that we look forward to every year that it comes on the air.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Line of Duty right away

What do you most want to see when it comes to Line of Duty season 6 episode 5?

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