Is Power Book II: Ghost new tonight on Starz? A look at what’s to come

Power Book II: Ghost season 1

Is Power Book II: Ghost new tonight on Starz? Within this article, we’re going to break this down — and also look towards the future.

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Let’s go ahead now and get the bad news out of the way — unfortunately, there is no new episode coming tonight. What gives with that? It really just comes down to the fact that this past episode serves as the midseason finale, and clearly the powers that be over at Starz wanted to ensure that there are some more new episodes left over. Also, because season 1 of Power Book II was unable to finish filming before the onset of the global health crisis, they had to present a little bit of a break midway through. This gives the cast and crew a chance to get back to work, finish this season, and then air what’s left in a sizable bunch.

We know at the moment that the plan is for Power Book II: Ghost to return with some new episodes when we get around to December, and one of the central goals there is going to be showcasing what the next moves are for Tariq now that he’s more of a marked man. Saxe and Davis have seemingly made a deal to go after him as Ghost’s true killer, but is that what it seems? Will Tariq find out about it? He’s still struggling to balance his place at school and his burgeoning spot in Monet’s empire, so there are a lot of big things that are going to need to be figured out when the show returns.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost right now

What do you want to see when it comes to Power Book II: Ghost moving forward?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Also, remember here to stick around to get some more news when it comes to the series. (Photo: Starz.)

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