Snowpiercer finale promo: Mutiny and a disconnection
What’s coming up in this episode? Think in terms of a full-scale mutiny, one that could leave us with a pile of bodies and also cause the entire structure of the show to change for good. There’s also a good chance at a disconnection that could prove to have some big consequences. Melanie has changed quite a bit since the start of the season, and we know that she is far from the only one.
Is the finale being promoted the right way? That probably just depends on your perspective. We think that if you’ve been watching the majority of this season, you’re probably psyched about what’s being put in the promo … and that may be everything that TNT/TBS are really going for at this point. It’s unreasonable to think that a lot of people are going to catch up over the next several days, but they probably should given that there is a lot of stuff in here to be excited to check out. Snowpiercer started off a little bumpy at times, but over the past several weeks it’s started to find its way.
Now, the largest question that remains is how this crazy story is going to end … and if there’s a good way that the show can set up a season 2. We’re sure that there will be a cliffhanger at the tail end of all of this, but what it looks like and some of the larger-scale ramifications should get us all the more excited for the premiere … whenever that airs.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Snowpiercer now!
What do you want to see when it comes to the Snowpiercer finale?
How do you think that all of this is going to wind up? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, remember here to stick around for some other news pertaining to the show. (Photo: TNT.)