Beecham House episode 5 spoilers (PBS): The last before the finale

Beecham House

Want to get some more news when it comes to Beecham House episode 5? The first thing that is worth noting is this: We’re inching super-close to the end of the season. Now that some of the secrets are out there, we have a few other things that can rise to the forefront. Take, for example, what’s going on when it comes to Daniel and Chanchal — a budding relationship that could still be subject to a few shocking turns.

Below, CarterMatt has the full Beecham House episode 5 synopsis with a little bit more news as to what’s coming up:

The truth behind Daniel’s relationship with Chanchal comes to light. Castillon arrests John Beecham for stealing a precious diamond owned by the Emperor. Who betrayed John and who can save him?

Having John in danger so late in the season is one of the things that makes this show so interesting. More often than not, shows tend to place their mind characters in a position of hero to everyone else. It’s rather nice to see the tables turned here to the point that the focus is elsewhere. Some other characters are going to have to use the information that they’ve learned about John in order to try and find a way to help him. There is something intriguing about this, and we’re absolutely psyched to see how it all plays out … even though we know viewers overseas have already had a chance to see it.

No matter what the future holds for the series (it doesn’t appear as though a season 2 is in the cards), let’s just appreciate Beecham House right now for what it is — a nice little bit of escapism at a time in which so many need it. You’ve got action, drama, romance, and just about everything else you could want in a show like this.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Beecham House right now

What do you most want to see when it comes to Beecham House episode 5?

How do you think things are going to be set up entering the final episode? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, remember here to stick around for some other news on the series. (Photo: PBS.)

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