Outlander season 6: Can it build further on Claire, Marsali bond?
When Claire and Marsali first met, their relationship was far from positive — Lyle’s character had her thoughts tainted heavily by what Laoghaire had placed within her mind. Yet, over time she came to see Claire as someone individual and separate. She saw and appreciated her skills and her empathy. These are traits that she has also adopted further.
Is there a great foundation set here for season 6? We like to think so, especially if Marsali continues to develop more medical skills and assists Claire further. It’s a way to centralize her within a lot of what could be coming in the Revolutionary War. Meanwhile, it also gives Claire more of a friend figure, someone who she can vent to and bounce ideas off of who is not her daughter, her son-in-law, or her husband. If Marsali continues to work with her, then inevitably they are going to continue to spend a lot of time together. There’s a very particular relationship that can come from that.
We want to see Marsali help Claire in a medical sense, but also Claire help Marsali in a personal sense. Maybe that means advice, or maybe that means sharing parenting tips or ideas. Maybe it means the two teaming up in order to help some of their other friends and family. We felt like they were bonded even before Marsali took out Lionel; now, that bond is a lifetime one. We don’t want to see it dissipate because there are so many other things that inevitably need to happen next season.
What do you think we should see for Claire and Marsali on Outlander season 6?
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(Photo: Starz.)