Katy Keene cancellation: Lucy Hale reacts to the news

Katy Keene

Late Thursday, the news first came out that Katy Keene was canceled by The CW. While we’re not going to sit here and say that the announcement shocks us, it’s still very much sad. This was a show about dreams, about conquering obstacles, and also friendship and caring for those close to you. While it was a spin-off to Riverdale, it stood on its own thanks to a different tone and a new setting.

In the end, though, the ratings just weren’t good enough to merit more new episodes, at least at the network. While we reported yesterday that there’s a chance Katy Keene ends up elsewhere, we never feel confident in saying that it will happen. It takes a very interested party and it’s often hard, given that shows are typically canceled because they weren’t successful enough. What’s the motivation for someone else to want to pick them up? They have to really believe in the concept.

While we can’t speak to a possible future, we can tell you further now how much star Lucy Hale cares about this show — and she was more than happy to spell it all out in a new video on her Instagram account below. It’s messages like this that make you want to root for her in everything she does coming up. It’s about appreciating the fans, and also honoring the cast and crew you worked with.

Even if there never is any more Katy Keene, at least you know there is plenty of gratitude that Lucy has for the journey. That’s something she, and the show’s viewers, can hold in their hearts moving forward.

What do you think about Katy Keene being canceled at The CW?

Are you still hoping for some more updates somewhere else? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Also, remember here to stick around in the event you want some other news when it comes to the series. (Photo: The CW.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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