NCIS: Los Angeles season 12: Is it renewed, canceled? The latest

NCIS: Los Angeles

Is there a good chance for there to be an NCIS: Los Angeles season 12? Within this article, we take more of a look at the series’ future.

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We should start here by saying this — there is no confirmation at the moment that there will be another season of the longtime CBS staple … but we do feel fairly confident that it will keep going. It’s just hard to imagine the network’s schedule without it! Think about it this way — with Hawaii Five-0 and Criminal Minds over, plus with God Friended Me canceled, we have to find other programs in order to try and fill out the schedule. CBS needs programming, and this show has shown itself to be very much stable.

While the ratings for NCIS: Los Angeles are hardly what they once were, at the same time it continues to produce solid numbers. That bodes very well as we start to look a little bit more towards the future. It also does have strong international ratings and repeats well in syndication.

With all signs pointing towards a renewal, the question then simply becomes this — when in the world is this renewal going to happen? Our hope is that there will be news over the next few weeks, but the schedule has been a little bit wonky when you consider what is going on in the real world. That’s made the typical timelines a little hard to adhere to, but we do feel like a renewal is going to come eventually. Otherwise, tonight would be the series finale, and that would be most unfortunate given that it was designed to be the first hour of a two-parter. There is a whole lot more when it comes to stories ahead!

Related News Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to NCIS: Los Angeles and what’s ahead

Do you want to see an NCIS: Los Angeles season 12 over at CBS?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Also, be sure to stick around in the event you want some other news on the series. (Photo: CBS.)

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