NCIS: Los Angeles season 11 finale video: Mac hands down the mission

NCIS: Los Angeles

On Sunday night’s new episode of NCIS: Los Angeles season 11, be prepared for a pretty powerful case — but also one with a nice dose of nostalgia right at the center. How could it not be with Catherine Bell coming back as Mac?

The sneak peek below gives you a small taste of what is to come, as Mac clues in Sam and Callen as to what they’re being tasked with — investigating some claims against a Special Warfare Chief Petty Officer Thomas Argento. There are some allegations against him, and there are a couple of SEALs who are in town and are claiming that Argento committed a war crime in murdering a Taliban prisoner, and because of the respect that Sam has among the SEALs, he is the perfect person to go in there and have conversations.

Want to see our own video preview for this episode? Then watch what we’ve got at the bottom of this article! After you do, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then also view our series playlist. We’ll have more news there that you don’t want to miss.

Through this episode, we imagine that Sam and Callen will get to the bottom of this, though at some point along the way it would be nice to get a life update, as well, from Mac. How is she doing following when we last saw her at the start of the premiere? Where are things with her and Harm? There haven’t been many updates and while we know that this isn’t JAG, the show could help to present a little more closure on some of those stories.

We know that there was at one point reports of discussions about a JAG continuation — nothing official, mind you — but we haven’t heard anything about that sense. It feels almost akin to a possible return to CSI — it’s something that has been bandied about, but we’re waiting for some further insight. For now, let’s just focus on NCIS: LA since Sam and Callen clearly have their work cut out for them and eventually will be heading overseas in this episode.

Related News – Be sure to get some additional insight regarding where we are now and what’s next

What do you want to see on the NCIS: Los Angeles season 11 finale?

Even though this wasn’t written as the finale, do you still think it will be exciting? Be sure to share in the comments, and stick around for some other news. (Photo: CBS.)

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