Outlander season 5 episode 3 live ratings mostly steady versus episode 2
Would we love to see the numbers actually surge in a positive direction? Sure, but at the same time we have to more or less take what we can get here — hence, why we’re at least reasonably satisfied with where the show is right now. Sunday’s episode ended up generating around 770,000 total live viewers, down only around 1% from where the show was the week prior. This doesn’t do much to dramatically change the live average for the season, which is down versus season 4 — but understandably so. Consider this — an increasingly large number of viewers opt to watch the show early on the app, or on DVR/On-Demand after the fact. The majority of the readers of this article are probably app viewers who prefer to not wait until the show airs, and those don’t count in the ratings we post here. (The same goes for international viewership.)
We get asked questions a lot about whether or not certain viewing methods “count,” and the truth here is that all methods count. While those watching on the app may not see their viewership count in these live ratings articles, rest assured that Starz still tracks these figures. They still recognize and are aware of how many people are seeing the show. What matters to Starz more than anything else is simply how many subscribers they’re getting for a show like this — if they’re getting more subscribers than ever now, it doesn’t matter what the live, TV-only viewership is. Starz, unfortunately, doesn’t release subscriber figures, but this is the key to their long-term success. It’s all about making money, and this is the way for Starz since they don’t do advertisements.
If there’s any one concern that we have over Outlander ratings-wise, it’s only this — is it possible that all of the viewers who found the show on Netflix are content to wait for more seasons there, as opposed to subscribing to watch it now? We do wonder…
How did you watch Outlander season 5 episode 3?
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Photo: Starz