Station 19 season 3 premiere: How Grey’s Anatomy crossover begins

Station 19

The Station 19 season 3 premiere is going to be arriving on ABC tonight, and this is an episode that starts with very high stakes. There’s really no other way to describe an installment that kicks off with first responders and Grey’s Anatomy characters all in jeopardy due to an incident that happened at Joe’s Bar.

In the sneak peek below courtesy of ABC, you do still get a reasonably good idea as to where things pick up, and also what some characters will be doing to try and secure the area. There are a lot of issues going down here and it’s so much worse than just a car potentially falling on people (though that’s pretty bad, as well). There is structural damage that could cause the building to collapse and then, beyond just that, there is also a chance that we could end up seeing gasoline leak down. If that happens and a fire starts … well, you know what happens at that point.

For some more Grey’s Anatomy video coverage, check out more of what we have to say about the future of Alex below! Once you do that, be sure to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then also view our full series playlist.

This upcoming premiere will carry over right into Grey’s Anatomy itself and we can go ahead and predict there being some sort of all-hands-on-deck effort to ensure that nothing crazy happens and that everyone involved in the incident is okay. There are some other storylines that need to be addressed on the Station 19 side, whether it be relationship updates or just learning more about how Ben is feeling about Bailey’s miscarriage, and they will probably be scattered throughout the story, as well.

Remember that the premiere is airing Thursday at 8:00 p.m. Eastern, and you’re going to want to stick around for the Grey’s Anatomy part in order to get the full story.

Related News Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to Station 19

What do you want to see the most on the Station 19 season 3 premiere?

Be sure to share right now in the comments, and be sure to also stick around for some other news on the series. (Photo: ABC.)

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