Shameless season 10 episode 3 spoilers: Who is Sarah?
Before diving off the deep end into more story here, let’s start things off by noting this: Lip Gallagher doesn’t exactly have a whole lot of positive mentors insofar as parenting goes. He had to spend the entirety of his youth having to deal with the likes of Frank — otherwise known as one of the worst fathers imaginable. Meanwhile, his mother wasn’t around for much of the time, and his younger sister Debbie is one of the few role models that he has … and she’s got some of her own issues to deal with.
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This is where Sarah gets into the mix a little bit. So … who is she? Well, she’s someone who Lip meets on Sunday night, and she may be able to have some advice for him. In the video over at this link, you can see Sarah help out Lip for at least long enough to have a smoke break. She’s someone who can introduce him to some other new parents.
We want to believe that Sarah is the sort of person who actually means well and could help Lip alongside some of her friends (who are also new parents); yet, we’ve seen enough Shameless to know that you can’t ever take anything at face value. It’s possible that she either wants something more or has some sort of secret motive, but that is not 100% clear just yet.
As for where Tami is at the moment, she still seems to be in recovery still at the hospital. We do think that this is a character we’ll be seeing plenty of before we get too deep into season 10 — rest assured, she will have a role to play.
Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Shameless and what lies ahead
What do you think is going on Shameless season 10 episode 3?
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