Fear the Walking Dead season 6 premiere date hopes for AMC series

Fear the Walking Dead season 5 episode 7

Following tonight’s finale, when will the Fear the Walking Dead season 6 premiere date be over at AMC? Within this article, we come bearing all the scoop that we currently know.

Fear the Walking Dead video! Check out our video below for more! Remember to subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then also view our Fear the Walking Dead playlist. While Fear the Walking Dead might be over for the time being, The Walking Dead will be kicking off in a week and we will have more videos coming up on the new season so stay tuned!

So, we come bearing some good news in the event that you haven’t heard already: There will be a season 6 of Fear the Walking Dead at some point in the future. AMC confirmed that it’s happening, even in spite of the fact that the ratings for season 5 were not anywhere close to what they were for season 4. This is a show that’s been on a downward trajectory from the start, but it does still have its fans. Not only that, but it also does have DVR viewing and international viability. These are some of the benefits that come along with being a part of a very successful franchise.

With the way in which that AMC has released past Fear the Walking Dead seasons, we do think that there is a perfectly good chance to see new episodes once more in the spring — think, more than likely, in either May or June. AMC tends to give a small hiatus between The Walking Dead and its spin-off, or at least it has in the past. The presence of a third series coming into in this universe (one focusing on young people trying to survive in the apocalypse) could change that on some level.

Odds are, there will be more news on Fear the Walking Dead season 6 when we get around to the first couple of months of 2020. Without giving too much away, we would expect a very different season than anything that we saw over the course of this summer. It’s one of those shows that tends to be out to constantly reinvent itself.

Related News Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Fear the Walking Dead, including some other information on what’s to come

What do you want the Fear the Walking Dead season 6 premiere date to be?

Be sure to share right now in the comments, and remember to stick around in the event you want some other news. (Photo: AMC.)

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