Outlander marathons continue; the value of continuous support

Outlander season 4

At this moment, it’s clear that Starz wants you to have as many different opportunities to dive into the story of Outlander as possible. After all, they’re offering up a lot of different opportunities for people to watch! The first four seasons are constantly available on the app and today, the network itself decided to give you a season 1 marathon.

What does this show you? The easy takeaway is simple: They still believe that this is a top-tier banner show for them. They also believe that it will continue to draw good linear ratings for them and that this audience will grow.

One of the consequences of the first two seasons of Outlander arriving on Netflix is that it could’ve made Starz a little more hesitant to broadcast them on the network itself. After all, there would be so many other venues in which people could find them and watch! Yet, they are still sticking with it and that is welcome news — and also some that continue to show a commitment in the long-term future.

One of the questions that we know many people out there wonder is how long a series like Outlander can stick around on the air. Our answer is pretty simple: It can last however long some of the people involved want it to last. We’d love to see it personally be on the air until all of the Diana Gabaldon books are translated over to television form, but at the moment, it’s confirmed only through season 6. When Starz stops doing Outlander marathons of the show, at that point we’ll start to get concerned that they aren’t as interested in the series and are moving forward. Until that point, though, we’re going to remain of the belief that they want this show a part of their roster for many years to come. It generates too much attention to them — and it is certainly valuable enough for them to do multiple marathons with it throughout the year. There are only so many cable networks that do this with the regularity that Starz does, especially with a Netflix deal in mind.

What do you think the value of Outlander marathons are at the moment?

Be sure to share in the comments, and remember to come back for some more of the latest news.

Photo: Starz

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